
No WiFi. No 4G in the bay. There was 4G in San Blas


Verizon via Telcel: Caroline called me several times on 3g. The calls were very clear.


Depending on what tower your phone talks to you will be in Mountain Time or Central Time. India’s phone was on MST, everyone else’s was on CST. Confusing to say the least.

Airport and Airport Transport

2 choices: Guadalajara (GDL) or Puerto Vallarta (PVR). I think GDL is closer and it appears to be a hub of some sort for Volaris as many routes have a layover there.

Caroline arraigned a taxi at one of the restaurants in Mantanchèn to have me whisked to PVR. The cost was $1500MXN.

The morning of my departure out of PVR a man in a private car picked me up and started driving me to Guadalajara. He spoke no English. Using Google translate and my Sesame Street level Spanish I explained I was going to PVR.

The driver called his wife to tell her we were going to PVR. While listening to their discussion I could tell she was a bit upset about this and he was talking her down. We joked about this universal spousal conversation.

It is at LEAST a 3.5 hour drive to PVR. Remember that PVR is a different time zone from San Blas.

The PVR airport is very much like Cabo. Lots of tourism related hawking of wares.


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