If you take a look at this page you can see Waponi Woo floating in the bay on the right hand side of the buildings: http://www.villadelpalmarloreto.com/en/live-cam
“India, is your holding tank full?” “No, it is just stinky when I flush.” Two days later… “Mom, I think my tank is full. The overboard discharge pipe is oozing.” This morning I requested a pump out. The crew arrives and goes to the port side first. A few moments later I see the pump out crew trying to get my attention. I go outside and the kind gentleman directs me to the port side sewer deck fitting where an oozing river of sludge is making its way down the port hull. The tank wasn’t full; the tank was testing the limits of molded plastic, bulging at the seams waiting for someone to release the pressure. When the cap was removed from the deck fitting, a brown geyser of epic proportions was released. The following conversation took place: Pumpout guy: It is full. Me: I know. Pumpout guy: It is…
He sun in Mexico is pretty intense. Caroline’s phone lives in a lifeproof case. The case has a clear section in the back to show off the Apple logo. We just changed the sun-damaged case out for a new one. Yes, that is a Telcel SIM taped to the phone.