
September 2016


Everyone look closely. According to the CBP folks that ‘shadowed us through the marina.’ in their adorable police boat. We somehow entered Mexico and then came back into the United States. Interactions: CBP: why did you go so far south to come into the MarinaMe: Because that entry (pointing 100 yards away) is the only way in here.CBP: No the big marinaMe: What big marina.CBP: The one you came into by (insert local landmark here).Me: I have no idea what you are talking about. I just got here.CBP: You know, where you came in about 2 hours ago.Me: You mean San Diego BAY?CBP: Uh, I don’t know.Me: Where the big Pacific Ocean meets this body of Water?CBP: Yeah!Me: I have to follow channel markers. ‘cutting the corner’ around the channel markers puts me at risk of getting into the surf and possibly dying.CBP: I don’t understand.Me: My head damn near…

We are currently on a mooring ball in Morro Bay. We will most likely be here until Saturday morning. Originally, we were going to leave today, but there is a bit of a storm coming in. Please see the below image: This is the conservative forecast. By Saturday morning it should blow through giving us a nice weather window for the remaining 290 or so miles to San Diego. If we average 6knts/hour we will be on the water for a little less than 48 hours. Ideally, we will be in San Diego Monday morning. Morro Bay is really pretty. As far as places go to be stuck for a week, this one is good. There are a lot of little shops, places to hike and just about everything you might need is within biking distance. As a bonus, the sunsets have a definite Goonies feel.

We are travelling from Santa Cruz, CA to Morro Bay, CA about 5-10 miles off-shore. We had a small stop off the Capitola Beach so we could get Pizza My Heart like I used to when I was a kid. I am on watch from 3:30 until Caroline gets up sometime next week. The dog, using all of its ‘feel sorry for me’ skills, is in the bed with her rather than in his bed under ours. I have a small boat about 5nm south of me that keeps appearing and disappearing from AIS. I have not yet seen him on radar. I went outside to adjust our chart plotter and noted the fog was light with pretty good visibility. There is a full moon making the 1-2 foot swells shine. The odd thing was the random whitecaps that kept appearing half-way down the waves. I kept looking at them…